之前在Youtube上亂點亂點(其實是茵茵美黛子,想找找看彩夢有什麼不錯的AMV) 發現有一個很經典AMV(彩夢芭蕾的),他的背景音樂跟影像的劇情真的很搭。
雖然也有找到鋼鍊的版本,但是,鋼鍊版本只有做到一半,歌被卡掉了。 (奇怪了?鋼鍊FA有62集耶?應該會必彩夢的26集還要好找片段才對吧?)(你確定?)
那個背景音樂,就如標題,叫Hand of Sorrow 由Within Temptation樂團演唱,這個樂團的歌好像都帶有濃濃的奇幻哀淒風的樣子。(至少從旋律聽起來是這樣。)
下面是Hand of Sorrow的歌詞,括弧內是我參考網路上的翻譯再加上自己的翻譯,因為我一直覺得網路上的中譯感覺上怪怪的。
Hand of Sorrow
The child without a name grew up to be the hand(無名的孩子長成了名王者)
To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand(他看照、保護或除去任何事物,只為了所需)
The choice he'd made he could not comprehend(他意識不到自己所做的選擇)
His blood a grim secret they had to command(在他血液深處的秘密中,他必須掌握世界)
He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life(他陷入榮耀與真愛之間痛苦的兩難)
He prayed for both but was denied(他祈求兩者並存卻無被認可)
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed(許多的夢境變的破碎並被犧牲)
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? (然而那是否是值得我們去愛卻不得不捨棄的?)
So many years have passed toward a noble land of lies (經過數年,由謊言構築成了一個高尚的王國)
Will all our sins be justified?(而我們身負的原罪是否將成為真理?)
The curse of his powers tormented his life(權力的詛咒折磨著他)
Obeying the crown was a sinister price(成為王是個險惡的代價)
His soul was tortured by love and by pain(他的靈魂因愛與恨而飽受折磨)
He surely would flee but the oath made him stay(他知曉他必須逃避,然而誓言使他不得不留下)
He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life(他陷入榮耀與真愛之間痛苦的兩難)
He prayed for both but was denied(他祈求兩者並存卻無被認可)
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed(許多的夢境變的破碎並被犧牲)
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? (然而那是否是值得我們去愛卻不得不捨棄的?)
So many years have passed toward a noble land of lies (經過數年,由謊言構築成了一個高尚的王國)
Will all our sins be justified? (而我們身負的原罪是否將成為真理?)
Please forgive me for the sorrow, for leaving you in fear(請原諒我的悲傷,將你遺留在恐懼之中)
For the dreams we had to silence, that's all they'll ever be(那些夢境必須沉寂,那才是它們應該擁有的姿態)
Still I'll be the hand that serves you(即使如此我仍為王服侍您)
Though you'll not see that it is me(雖然那將不再是真正的我)
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed(許多的夢境變的破碎並被犧牲)
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? (然而那是否是值得我們去愛卻不得不捨棄的?)
So many years have passed toward a noble land of lies (經過數年,由謊言構築成了一個高尚的王國)
Will all our sins be justified? (而我們身負的原罪是否將成為真理?)
- May 20 Fri 2011 21:52
【歌詞】Hand of Sorrow by Within temptation