
這首歌是〈To The Moon〉這款RPG遊戲的主題曲,雖然說是RPG遊戲,但我覺得它的性質比起遊戲,更像視覺小說。
〈To The Moon〉是個很感人的作品,為了不劇透我就不多講了。 有玩過遊戲的話其實就可以知道,在這個故事中Johnny跟River的特殊關係,而這首歌也就恰巧地將他們對於對方的思念心情,以及遺憾幽幽地唱了出來。



Everything's Alright
Short steps, deep breath 踏一小步,做個深呼吸
Everything is alright 一切都會沒問題的
Chin up, I can't 抬起頭鼓起勇氣,我做不到
Step into the spotlight 立於聚光焦點之下
She said, "I'm sad," 她說:「我很難過」
Somehow without any words 但不知為何卻無法用言語表達所有一切
I just stood there 我僅僅只能站在那裏
Searching for an answer 去尋求一個答案
When this world is no more 當這個世界消失之時
The moon is all we'll see 我們僅只能看見月亮之時
I'll ask you to fly away with me 我會請你與我一同遠走高飛
Until the stars all fall down 直到所有的星星都一一殞落
They empty from the sky 它們從天空之中消失
But I don't mind 但我並不擔心
If you're with me, then everything's alright 若你在我身邊,一切都會沒問題的
Why do my words 為什麼我的話語
Always lose their meaning? 總是無法傳達出它的意義?
What I feel, what I say 無論我如何的感受,我如何地訴說
There's such a rift between them 那總是像有道鴻溝橫跨在它們之間無法傳達
He said, "I can't 他說:「我無法
Really seem to read you."  真正讀懂你的心。」
I just stood there 我僅僅只能站在那兒
Never know what I should do 無法知曉我該怎麼表達
When this world is no more 當這個世界消失之時
The moon is all we'll see 我們僅只能看見月亮之時
I'll ask you to fly away with me 我會請你與我一同遠走高飛
Until the stars all fall down 直到所有的星星都一一殞落
They empty from the sky 它們從天空之中消失
But I don't mind 但我並不擔心
If you're with me, then everything's alright 若你在我身邊,一切都會沒問題的
If you're with me, then everything's alright 若你在我身邊,一切都會沒問題的







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