




演唱團體:Trading Yesterday

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding (昨日已逝,明日正在淌血)
Fall into your sunlight (當我陷落你如陽的光輝之時)
The future's open wide beyond believing (我相信未來正寬廣的為我敞開)
To know why hope dies (為了知曉為何希望消逝)
Losing what was found, a world so hollow (失去所尋找到的,這個世界非常的空洞)
Suspended in a compromise (和解陷入了停滯)
The silence of this sound is soon to follow (那些寂靜的聲音很快地將)
Somehow sundown(不知何故的與日光落下)

And finding answers (為了尋找那些答案)
Is forgetting all of the questions we call home (要遺忘那些我們來自故鄉的疑問)
Passing the graves of the unknown(要越過那些無名的墳墓)

As reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading (就像遮蔽我的視線的疑雲,伴隨著退色的光輝)
Illusions of the sunlight (在幻想的陽光之下)
And the reflection of a lie will keep me waiting (那個謊言的倒影讓我繼續等待)
Love gone for so long (那個早已消失的愛)

This day's ending is the proof of time killing all the faith I know (這結束的日子是為了證明我所相信的信念因時間的消逝而被抹滅)
Knowing that faith is all I hold (而那些信念正是我僅所持有的)

And I’ve lost who I am (而我迷失了我自己)
And I can't understand (而我已不知道)
Why my heart is so broken (為什麼我的心如此的破碎)
Rejecting your love (在拒絕你的愛後)
Without love gone wrong (才知道失去愛是錯誤的)
Life (生命)
Less words (只是少少的幾個詞彙)
Carry on (必須隨身伴隨)

But I know(但我知道)
All I know(所有我知道的)
Is that the ends beginning(那只是結束的開始)

Who I am from the start(我正自一個開始啟程)
Take me home to my heart(將我的心帶回鄉)
Let me go(讓我走)
And I will run(而我將大步邁進)
I will not be silenced(我將不會再沉默)

All this time spent in vain(當所有的時間如同水流般流逝)
Wasted years(浪費了數年)
Wasted gain(失去了所有的籌碼)
All is lost(所有的所有都失去了)
Hope remains(希望的遺骸徒留)
And this war's not over (然而這場戰爭尚未結束)

There’s a light (那有道光)
There’s the sun (那處有朝陽)
Taking all the shattered ones(帶走所有的破滅)
To the place we belong(來到我們所身處的地方)
And his love will conquer (而他的愛將征服一切)

And I’ve lost who I am(而我迷失了我自己)
And I can't understand(而我已不知道)
Why my heart is so broken(為什麼我的心如此的破碎)
Rejecting your love(在拒絕你的愛後)
Without love gone wrong(才知道失去愛是錯誤的)
Less words(只是少少的幾個詞彙)
Carry on(必須隨身伴隨)

But I know(但我知道)
All I know(所有我知道的)
Is that the ends beginning(那只是結束的開始)

Who I am from the start(我正自一個開始啟程)
Take me home to my heart(將我的心帶回鄉)
Let me go(讓我走)
And I will run(而我將大步邁進)
I will not be silenced(我將不會再沉默)

All this time spent in vain(當所有的時間如同水流般流逝)
Wasted years(浪費了數年)
Wasted gain(失去了所有的籌碼)
All is lost(所有的所有都失去了)
Hope remains(希望的遺骸徒留)
And this war's not over(然而這場戰爭尚未結束)

There’s a light(那有道光)
There’s the sun(那處有朝陽)
Taking all the shattered ones(帶走所有的破滅)
To the place we belong(來到我們所身處的地方)
And his love will conquer all(而他的愛將征服一切)
Yes his love will conquer all (是的,他的愛將征服一切)

Yesterday I died, tommorrows bleeding (昨日已逝,明日正在淌血)
Fall into your sunlight(當我陷落你如陽的光輝之時)

    創作者 黑鶴蘭 的頭像

    Prologue and Postscript

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